News Article
Drama Camps for 2024
Published on: March 22, 2024
Winder-Barrow Community Theatre is excited to announce the summer programs for children of all ages. More information about these programs can also be found on the website at
Drama Camp registration begins on May 1st so be sure to get your child signed up as soon as possible. There are two weeks of camp, and children ages 6 to 10 will attend in the morning sessions while children ages 11 to 15 will be attending in the afternoon sessions. Cost to attend the week of camp is $60 per child, and this includes a t-shirt, a daily snack, and all supplies for the week. On Friday of the camp week, your child will be helping to present a "show" for family and friends so be sure to mark your calendar for that.
Camp dates are June 17-21 and July 15-19. Your child can attend both weeks of camp if they want to, but the activities will be similar for both of the weeks. There is a 35 person limit on each session of camp so it is important to register early. After a session is full, a waiting list will be compiled.
In order to register your child, you can pay online by clicking on the red ticket found on the website home page. When you see the camp list, if you don't see all of the sessions, just click on the down arrow found at the end of the line. Be sure to choose the week and session that your child will be attending. You will complete your order and pay the tuition. You will also need to go to the Children's PLAYhouse tab on the website and click on the drama camp form. Please print, complete, sign and return to us at Your child will not be enrolled until we receive payment and the forms.
You can also pay by mail by completing the forms and mailing them along with your check to WBCT, P O Box 1720, Winder, GA 30680. Don't delay if you are counting on the mail since your child won't be enrolled until we actually receive the forms and payment. If you have any questions about Drama Camp or the "Wizard of Oz" auditions, please contact Billie Nye-Muller at or call her at 404-680-1704. All of these events are currently booked at the Winder First Christian Church. If the location changes, we will notify campers and cast members. We look forward to a great summer with you.