News Article
WBCT Announces Drama Camp 2012
Published on: April 3, 2012
There will be two weeks of Drama Camp, and each child will be allowed to register for one week of camp. Camp dates are June 4-8 and June 25-29. Children ages 5 to 9 will attend the morning session, and children ages 10 to 14 will attend during the afternoon session. Children age 5 must have completed Kindergarten in order to attend, and there is a limit on the number of 5 year olds that can be accepted.
Applications can be picked up at Pam Veader’s office at State Farm Insurance at 41 S. Center Street, Winder, starting on April 9th. They can also be requested by e-mail from Pam Veader at Applications can be turned in starting on MAY 1st. All applications must be turned in with original signatures along with a $25 camp registration fee. This fee covers supplies, snacks, and a t-shirt. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be accepted. Applications will be taken on a first come, first served basis, and a waiting list will be compiled if the camp week is full.
Don’t miss this wonderful adventure for your “dramatic” child to learn some basic stagecraft, acting, singing, play writing, and much, much more. All camp sessions will be held at the Winder Cultural Arts Center on Athens Street in Winder.